We dressed the artist in a similar top to this when we filmed the studio scenes. We did this because its a laid back outfit which could help to represent the acoustic genre. The artist had a red checked shirt on, but when editing we decided to do the studio scenes in black and white. We thought that it would show simplicity but also reflect how she was feeling if we used these dull colours and made her clothes the same. The black and white was also a way to communicate to the audience that this was not part of the narrative.
There were many different scenes in which the artist had different clothes on and this was there to show that it was a different day and place. We did this because out narrative involves showing an unrequited loved over time and how everyday when she sees him shes never noticed. The different number of outifts portrays the amount of days she wastes on trying to attract his attention and how that itself didnt work.
Why did you choose this costume for your character? What connotations do the colours have for your audience?